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The True History of Religion

How Religion Destroys the Human Race
and What the Real Illuminati™ Has Attempted
to do Through Religion to Save the Human Race

This book is unlike any other ever written. For the first time, the Real Illuminati™ publicly reveal themselves:

"We are the original founders and progenitors of what the world has come to know as the Illuminati.

We are an esoteric group of individuals known about or understood by very few people. We work privately behind the scenes of society. We counter superstition (an irrational belief in things such as magic or luck, arising from ignorance or fear). We vigorously challenge religious influence over public life. We strongly oppose the abuses of government power. We disagree with obscurantism (the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or full details of a situation or event from becoming known by the majority).

We exist with the intent to influence critical thinking and free thought in the vigorous effort against corruption, when the acts of authority (governmental, religious, traditional, or cultural) inhibit individual free will.

There are false groups that claim association to the name “Illuminati.” These groups are easily discernible from the Real Illuminati™. We have real solutions to real problems. The false groups have none. We have answers to the hardest questions that can be asked about human existence. They have none.

We do not solicit for donations of any kind. Money plays no role in our intent to share the Real Truth with the world.

The salvation of the human race can only come through pure intelligence of Real Truth, which is true knowledge of things as they really are, as they really were in the past, and as they really will be in the future. A seeker of truth need only compare the knowledge and information that we provide to that of the false groups in order to make a certain conclusion that we are who we claim to be.

Our group (the Real Illuminati™) consists of the most educated and experienced people upon Earth. Our motivation is to save humanity by helping to influence the creation of a societal infrastructure on Earth that serves the needs of each human, according to each individual's needs. We have the solutions to all of humanity's problems.

People created this planet for people.  People are responsible for everything that has happened upon Earth, for every plant, for every animal, for every bacterium and virus, for all organisms of every kind. We can save the planet, or we can continue to destroy it. We can save ourselves and live in peace and happiness, or we can continue to repeat history and threaten our own existence."

No supernatural entity, of any kind or nature, is going to help us. It is our power. It is our onus. We (the Real Illuminati™) exist to help us.


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