The Sealed Portion - The Final Testament of Jesus ChristLike the rest of the world, the ancient
inhabitants of the North and South American continents had their own
historians and prophets. When European explorers breached the
shores of the Americas, they were treated as gods by a people who
knew more about the basic concepts of humanity and peace than their
eventual conquerors. How did they know peace? Who taught them?
Could these ancient people have mistaken the white explorers as the
In the early 1800’s, an obscure farm boy dug up plates of ore which had the appearance of gold. Two-thirds of the plates were sealed with bands and were not allowed to be translated with the other third. The young man’s name was Joseph Smith and the unsealed third became known as The Book of Mormon—Another Testament of Jesus Christ. The manner in which Joseph received the plates has been a matter of controversy since he first made the unprecedented claim that he was visited by God Himself in what is known as The First Vision. Shortly after this First Vision, Joseph claimed an angel named Moroni visited him and said:
Eventually a church was formed which ended with the murder of Joseph Smith. After his death, different factions rose up and formed their own belief system based on what each believed Joseph intended for a church. The largest of these factions became known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons). Many of these LDS Mormons are extremely wealthy and widely known. The LDS Church’s most prominent members are vastly connected to major political and business powers throughout the world. Their influence on human society has been and will be felt by all the people on the earth. Though these different factions hold The Book of Mormon as the cornerstone of their religion, none has made claim to understanding or explaining what happened to the sealed portion of the plates and what it contains. Ironically, most members of these Mormon groups do not know anything about the sealed portion of the plates, though The Book of Mormon describes its purpose and intent explicitly. It is easy for critics and skeptics of Joseph Smith’s claims to rationalize the existence of gold plates to be the imagination of a unique young man’s mind. Perhaps their doubts would weigh considerably on the side of logic and reason, except for one major detail about his claim—the sealed portion.
Unlike the followers of organized religion, those who embrace the teachings of Christopher and his work have no church, no cult, no religion, no authority over others, and no financial obligation of worthiness for one to finally come to a complete understanding of the hidden truths behind God’s plan for this solar system. This latter-day work proves that understanding the mysteries of God is possible and necessary for one to finally find peace. Christopher lives very much like the man Jesus of old did and parallels his teachings along the same divine principle of Do Unto Others, What You Would Have Them Do Unto You. Published for the first time in 2004, The Sealed Portion—The Final Testament of Jesus Christ is proof of itself. Many loyal and faithful members of the LDS Church, and others who have no affiliation to Mormonism, have read this work with an open mind and have been set free from the chains of ignorance and hypocrisy which are rampant in all organized religion. |