Order by PHONE: 1.888.499.9666
- Orders may be placed 24 hours a day
- Calls returned M-F 9am to 6pm MST)
- Check and Money Orders accepted by
phone only.
Order ONLINE: use secure shopping cart
- Online orders by PayPal or Credit Card (Visa,
MasterCard, Discover. and AmEX)
To order online, simply click the
"BUY NOW" button next to your desired product. You
will then be able to add shipping charges to your
order or return to the cart to add additional
products. Simply follow the online instructions and
you will be taken through a few easy steps to
your order completion.
NOTE: Our shopping cart
resides on a different domain - upon clicking the
'buy now' link, you will be directed to
"http://ww4.aitsafe.com." When you enter personal
and financial information, the link will be secure.
State sales tax will be added to all Idaho orders.
How are shipping costs calculated?
Shipping is charged by product
weight and by the delivery rate you choose. We
offer the following rate choices: BASIC Non-Trackable
(8-12 bs. days) - GROUND Trackable (8-12 bs. days) -
2nd Day Air (3-5 bs. days).
How are items shipped?
All items are shipped via
Print-On-Demand. So it may take up to 3 or 4 days
from the time your order is received before it is
shipped out.
If you have any questions: